Quartz Powder Manufacturers

Quartz Powder Manufactures is the second most mineral on the Earth’s crust that is available abundantly to us. A variety of high quality quartz that JP International offers is appreciated due to be properties such as high resistance against mechanical and chemical weathering. Quartz or in other chemical words, we refer it as Silica SiO2, is one of the most common mineral found on the Earth’s crust. It is found in sandstones, pegmatite granites and other igneous rocks.

Generally, quartz is hard and has a high melting point that point out towards the strength of bond between the atoms. Also, it is extremely resistant towards the weathering. Quartz is used in a number of industries such as in glass industry, ceramics industry, paint industry and oil well drilling industry. Quartz powder exporters offer it that is ubiquitous and durable.

In this article, we’re going to cover the uses of quartz powder. So, go through them!

  • Artificial Quartz Stone Manufacturing: The artificial stones are made approximately of 93% of the quartz. The other 7% contains epoxy resin that is used for holding the quartz together.


  • Glass Making: The deposits of sand are composed of 100% of the quartz grains. These are produced as sources of high purity silica sand. These sands are further utilized in the glass making industries.


  • Petroleum Industry: Quartz holds a very high resistance from being crushed. In the petroleum industries, sand slurries are forced down oil and gas wells under very high pressures. This pressure fractures the reservoir rocks. But the quartz sand holds the fractures open after the pressure is released.


  • Foundry Sand: Quartz is considered as an excellent material that is resistant to both chemicals and heat. Thus, it is more often used as foundry sand. It has a high melting point than that of other metals which effectively molds and cores the common foundry work. Also, refractory bricks are made up of the quartz due to its high heat resistance.


  • Many Other Quartz Sand Uses: Quartz powder is used as filler in the manufacturing of rubber, paint and putty. The carefully sized quartz grains that are thoroughly washed are used as filter media and roofing granules. These are also used as traction in the railroad and mining industries. In addition to this, the quartz is used in recreation on golf courses, volleyball courts, baseball fields, children's sand boxes and beaches.